About Casa de l’Oli Olive Oil
The ideal habitat for olive trees is said to require sun, stone, drought, silence and solitude.
Casa de l'Oli has found all five necessary ingredients in the rocky Catalonian landscape, terraced by the Moors, and surrounded by prominent mountains. The climate of hot dry summers, but cool winters, creates the ideal environment for growing varieties of olives, with very individual attributes.
Casa de l'Oli is a family business. Based in Southern Catalonia, and in Suffolk, we are personally involved in bringing our superb products to your table. Good olive oil imparts a wonderful flavour to foods, and we select only the best – extra virgin olive oils.
The local Catalan people have taught us a great deal about the traditional ways of successfully cultivating olive trees and how to maintain all the nutrients, flavour, aroma and taste of the olive juice. Premium olives are crushed within 24 hours after harvest and processed without heat to give a delicious, full flavoured oil, with exquisite taste.
Our Olive Grove
We have an olive grove, and we love it. It had been abandoned for many years, and it has been fun, but hard work restoring it. There is still lots to be done to return it to it’s original state, but each year a few more trees are brought back into production.
We are very careful how we farm, never using herbicides, only using an organic insecticide when necessary. Organic fertilizer is used, and the grass and herbs are controlled by mowing. Wildlife in all shapes and form is an extremely important and enjoyable part of our finca.
We are extremely proud of the oil we produce. The olives are picked annually in November and December. Where we farm, there are three particular varieties of olives grown, Fuella de Salsa, Regis , Farga and Arbequina. To further distinguish our oil, we take our olives to a restored antique traditional mill, that stone crushes the olives and then presses the resultant paste between mats. This produces a cloudy unfiltered oil that slowly changes in personality throughout the year.
Our olives and olive oils
In Southern Catalonia, the olives grown include the revered Arbequina and Empletre varieties, which are considered the kings of fruity sweet olives. They are characterised by their hint of apples, the scent of freshly cut grass and an after taste of green almonds. The oils they produce are highly prized, often being used as premium blending oils by other European producers. Farga, Regis and Manzanilla are also grown and add their own individual attributes to the mixed variety oils. These oils have a classic flavour imparted by the high quality and types of olives used.Over the past few years, we have worked hard and learnt a great deal. We have steadily expanded our range of oils. From the humble beginnings of our first unfiltered oil, followed by our ‘Oak smoked’ and home-made vinaigrette dressing, to now include a selection of oils produced by pressing fresh Arbequina olives with fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. The Arbequina olive is renowned for delivering extraordinary, smooth, nutty oil, and fulfills this purpose with perfection.
We continue to sell another extra virgin olive oils from neighbouring estate; an award winner; also an oil which is pressed from 100% Arbequina olives - a very delicate oil for those you prefer something more delicate.
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